More Information

Q. Can I see what shipping rates are and why it is different?

Handling takes 1-2 business days.

Standard shipping takes 5-10 business days and expedited takes 3-5 business days.

Standard shipping rate is different depending on the total order price. 


Standard : order over $49.99 - Free

Standard : flat $3.99 under $49.99


Expedited shipping rates vary over the weight.

Expedited : 0lb–1.5lb - $7.99 / 1.5lb–4lb - $13.99 / over 4 lb - 19.99


Q. How could I make a payment?

We accept cash, check, or credit card : 

   Visa   Mastercard    American Express    Discover   JCB   Diners Club

 Mailing address : 3040 78th Ave. SE Mercer Island WA 98040


Q. What is the return policy of the products?

 1. When the customer simply changes the mind or does not need the product anymore without being used or washed, it is refundable with extra handling and shipping cost.

1. When the mask is not a right your size, we provide the exchange between different size if the mask is not used or washed. You will be charged for additional shipping.

1. When we ship wrong product, we will exchange the product or refund 100% without any extra charges.

1. If the mask is used or washed, it is not refundable.

1. Used Pads are not refundable.


Q. How could I contact if I have more questions or requests?

If you have any questions or requests, please click Contact us  and leave a message to us.


Other contact information

Phone : 1 (206) 880-3493

Mailing address : 3040 78th Ave. SE Mercer Island WA 98040